Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Easy Online jobs from home

The empire of Profit has come round-the-world home—to “reduce,” colonize and impoverish every last working person on the planet. This means you.
It’s time to get real with the same intensity as Profit. Our human equality is outflanked by an economy whose core mechanism and values undermine law and democracy, big and small. The systemic motto has always been Profit At Any Cost. Now it qualifies also as an ecological cancer killing Earth.
Don’t know what to do? Do nothing, play the game, and what we call life (freedom) has little chance of survival—let alone of thriving, as it should—because Profit increasingly builds its advantages around and against the world’s human ideals.
We defeat ourselves each day in the very terms by which we work—in the fine print of Profit, which tells us there is no other choice.
My aim on this Labor Day 2011 is to ask you to realize and act on fact. We are not trapped.
The value of our daily work is what Profit must have. The place where we work is the central point of power to make change happen. Our power is always already in our hands. No one can take it away from us, unless we allow it.
WOOP (in 5000 words) proposes a sustained local and worldwide cooperative action to reclaim the value of our work, and for the creation of a work-based economy of equals.
A quick poll at the bottom here poses a key question. And I hope you’ll read through before you’re finally certain of your answer.
Find the act that reclaims the real power of your own work, help others to do so in that act, and working people win. On Earth there is no greater power than every person’s share of work—when we bring it together.
That is the soul of WOOP: informed, nonviolent, connected and courageously human workers walking out on Profit, and into a world of genuine equals—because of the integrity of each life’s daily work (pulling your weight in the world).
Beyond that burden—which is actually half or less of what you work now every day—each of us knows how to live our own happiness in a heritage of common freedom.
By freedom, I mean no more or less than doing what you want to do with most of each living day, doing no harm. By work, I mean tasks you might not do if life were a fully-free ride, without demands for survival and a sense of self-respect about pulling your weight. I feel sure you’d choose a work-week of 20 hours over the present 40-plus, if we could work it out. We can, but something’s in the way. Let’s go to the root of what profit means.
Please note—Profit is a practice, not a person. There is no reason to demonize, compel, or harm anybody. A Profiteer is addicted to Profit. An addiction is that which you cannot keep from doing, no matter how harmful, in spite of reason. Profit like addiction must always have more. Willfully unconscious to consequences, it cannot help but destroy.
WOOP presents nothing to believe in, and nothing to tear down except one addictive illusion—that the work we each do, one day at a time, rightly makes us un-equals in the world economy.
If others’ deprivations must be part of your rewards for work, reconsider. If you think you’ll lose your motive to work hard, produce excellence and be creative when everybody has the same access to the stores, read on.
If you think your work is harder or “worth more” than what others contribute, and that you should get exclusive privileges and rewards for it, please observe that A) Nobody can work more than one day at a time; and, B) You chose your work. I feel sure that you don’t see yourself as a martyr for the world’s well-being, that you wouldn’t want to “obligate” anyone else into acts or situations against their will because of choices you made for yourself.
 Here’s the essential WOOP challenge:
1) Act to recognize and prove the equal value of your and all others’ work; 2) Do your work well in half the compulsory time each week; and, 3) Instead of a paycheck (which now proves that you worked this week), take home an employer-certified card like the current ATM-type—which henceforth gives you equal access to anything in the store of worldwide production.
There’s no need for a nanny-state or “new world order” computer-chip in your skin. WOOP works with the standing local and macro-systems that we have—including the world’s best-ever chance to create real justice, The Constitution of the United States. We only need to change the engine’s core program, the reason and values by which we participate in every day of work.
Open stores! Yes, people will go crazy at first, for awhile.
Yet, what happens with almost every thing we acquire? We want it, work for it, get it, enjoy it, and then the glow and the thrill wear off—especially as we see others also having it.
Thanks to the sexy, power-soaked mirages of Profit’s public relations industry, it’s often too late in life when we realize that things don’t mean very much. People who wake up feel they have quit an addiction: I wanted, I got, I grew bored, and then I wanted more. That’s all Profit really has to offer—life as a rat turning Profit’s wheel, kept docile with rations, terror, bribe-sweets, and shiny objects.
Question: If living already makes it clear that the one real thing is how we cultivate and share ourselves—whether we live out the potentials of being human and free in our own ways—shouldn’t we be living those values now?
Would you go crazy with greed in a world of open stores after WOOP? Or is it just “other people” who’d spoil it for everybody?
A life is both unique and meaningful in the web of life because of its relationships with others. An equal day’s work enables them all to live in their million ways. Instead, we’ve been living and toiling under a myth that you produce your daily excellence only if you’re driven by competitive fear; in a competition whose goal is either unspeakable or unknown. No good hustler states his goal aloud, and no truly representative “leader” can be incapable of stating it, since the people they represent have said it first.
Work by the vast majority of people on Earth makes your life work every day, as yours does theirs. Why would most people suddenly let you down if their work brought them anything you can have?
We already prove our power with each day of work. Yet in return we receive less freedom, more poverty. If that is the (delusionary, backwards) case, is it not more realistic to expect real and better results from the actual power of working people’s acts together—where we are, with what we have and do?
What is more real (effective) than your work? Consider that, although constantly robbed, you still have your full value for leverage—tomorrow’s good day’s work.
Let’s take hold of a 10-year time frame. Ordinary planetary citizen-observer that I am, I have ironic confidence that WOOP will achieve its goal sooner than anything promised by world-class governments and global business, for our last 10 years of dedication and sacrifice to war and Profit.
WOOP takes back the freedom your real work creates.
Take perspective from a fundamental fact about human work. Anthropological science reports that “primitive hunter-gatherers” spend perhaps 15-20 hours a week at the work of meeting existential needs for food, clothing and shelter. On that basis they do whatever they like for the other 12 hours a day (with a good 8 hours’ sleep besides).
Yet, we of the “advanced” world, surrounded by work-savers and conveniences, work three times as long per week in exchange for far less (and decreasing) free time.
Why? What citizen of an advanced free society or economy would choose such a change in life’s requirements?
Economics is the big word for our daily direct exchange of work and value, which should be making well-being and freedom more of an actuality for everyone. Something is in the way (doubling-and-more the time we “have to” work)—so much so that we work in the opposite direction.
Your work (a product, a service) is a value you create and deliver in exchange for things produced by the work of other people. The value of work is its real power (from your time, strength, skill and sweat) to accomplish and contribute something. With billions of others you make the world work, exchanging work for “value-ables” produced by everybody else.
Work is a formula: Something For Something. See you tomorrow. I do not have to like you, or be like you. You worked, I worked. Now we share an equal right to receive from the world and its “store” that we created. It’s one day at a time for everybody. No one can do their job without help from others.
Something For Something works as a formula because, fundamentally, we recognize the value of each other’s contribution to another successful planetary day.
Profit, on the other hand, is by definition Something For Nothing.
Consult your Oxford English Dictionary, the multi-volume work of impeccable etymology from which all other English lexicons derive.
What you find is that profit signifies value gained from an exchange that you in no way put into the exchange. Profit, by definition, signifies an unequal exchange of value.
You profit when you take more than you give. No mountain of expert economic theory changes this.
After all, value that you take beyond what you put in cannot come from nowhere. Behind every dollar of Profit is the other guy with a shrinking stack of dimes. Somehow, by hook and crook, Profit derives from somebody else’s work and value.
The earliest uses of profit in English speak to its injustice. Here’s one of the very first (O.E.D. 1466): “A private profit hurts and harms a common well-being.” The editors of the O.E.D. were not social activists, or imagining a quaint organic merry old England.
Profit has a cousin tangled in among its root-words—“advantage,” which of course is a relative term. Nothing from nothing. There can be no “advantage” to one side without a dis-advantage to someone else.
Advantage is part of the profit family because it tries to signify the real-world value of what somebody gains by this corruption of exchange.
With advantages come more profits. More profits, more advantages; and ever-on, more injustice, resentment and destruction, until most people have nothing and a few control everything.
Where we are is only what Profit was long “designed” to accomplish and produce. Nature and human beings are inconsequent “externalities” to Profit’s formula.
This was precisely Profit’s original policy. It was nurtured in late-medieval Europe under the bad sign of Biblical Monogenesis: a sanctified grand delusion stating that only “we” (the insiders to Profit) matter, as the planetary Chosen of “God Himself.” Its means and ends were openly declared in documents sacred and secular as the rest of the still-unknown planet rolled into the view of a predatory Europe—which had gone bankrupt because of its Crusades. The one same murderous hustle goes round and round.
Discover for yourself the full original horrifying language that blessed the new gentleman-conquistadors in Francis Jennings’ The Invasion of America. The plan in their words was to force “perpetual slavery and profit” out of anything alive “discovered” outside the crazy loop. 
From these roots—a delusion of “free unlimited natural wealth belonging to no creature that matters”—comes the spiraling destruction that so resembles addiction. (Like capitalism, it really got started when Europe took up American tobacco.) Chambers of Commerce and conventional historians erected monuments around a third word connected with the tangled roots of profit, speaking of its increasingly pathological centuries as progress.
Changing a healthy planet filled with independent peoples into a poisoned one with a disadvantaged majority in 500 years cannot be progress. But it certainly was by the Profit and Advantage of a few.
And from this, the Advantaged claim no inherited advantages?
No surprise that unequal, unfair exchange creates resentment. Profit corrupts and exploits the basic relationship in the midst of our real working lives.
Profit attacks the real equality of work when it assigns different top-to-bottom values for each kind of it. Thus, you may take from “the store” only according to the value that a self-interested somebody else assigned to your work, in the numbers on your paycheck.
Those numbers do not reflect the full value of the work done. They are cooked, by Profit’s interests “above” you on the pyramid, and cooked according to yet another preposterously-unsustainable principle: Give As Little And Take As Much As You Can Get Away With.
So, ironically—or rather, according to the illogic of Profit—the higher you go, the less real productive work gets done (as if only certain people are smart enough to make big decisions); and yet, the higher the number that measures your access to all that gets produced. The more people you give nothing, the greater your rewards. Again we arrive at a backwards description of work’s real world. We know it has to collapse.
Lies and violence (24/7, now) make this seem to work. Like the scam of a hustler who’s got your money, it only needs to “work” one day at a time until you’re dead. As another money motto puts it: In every exchange, there’s a loser. If you’re wondering who that is, it’s you.

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